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Story Times Around Town / Find story times outside the library

Librarians aren’t the only ones who can lead a rousing story time. You can find animated storytellers in the most unlikely places — even your local grocery store. And that’s good news for young minds: During story time, children broaden their vocabularies, increase comprehension skills and use their imaginations to follow along. Pencil in story time every day of the week at these non-library locales (and be sure to check our online calendar for story sessions at your library too).

Small Pockets Tea Room

Volunteer educators or retired schoolteachers host a free story time every Friday morning in the Tea Party Room of Small Pockets, a children’s consignment shop across from Jesuit Dallas. When you enter, send the kiddos downstairs for 45 minutes of stories and activities while you shop for maternity clothing and baby swag upstairs. The story time leader takes little kids on a journey through 1–3 books, occasionally using puppets and props, then guides little listeners through a craft such as building a rocket ship or making paper caterpillars.

When: Friday 10:30am Where: 12300 Inwood Road, Suite 160, Dallas, 214/484-9240

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